[geeks] Followup on weapons seizure

Anthony Guarnieri atg at stormrider.org
Sat Feb 1 23:21:06 CST 2003

On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Sorry, old email, just wanted to throw my $.02 into this...
> Qualifying potential voters is a bad idea, period.


> They were all overturned for good reason. You may feel that requiring a
> certain educational achievement is reasonable, but the laws the people
> you elect will impact *all*, not just those who passed history class.

The laws the people who get elected enact now affect all of us, including
those of us smart enough to realize that they really don't give a damn
about us, or even those stupid enough to vote for them. Your point?

At a bare minimum, I'd like to see 'native born Americans' (in quotes
because real Native Americans sometimes question the wisdom of the
immigration policy 500 years ago) be able to pass, at minimum, the same
test given to foreign born people who come to these shores and apply for
citizenship and the right to vote. Being a citizen means more than being
an open mouth sucking at the teat of society, despite what the past 40
years of failed social programs has accomplished to create a vast
underclass who only know that as reality.

On a side note, I've read lately on a 'conspiracy oriented' list that the
Constituional prohibition on the holding of office by someone granted a
title of nobility wasn't aimed at the European nobility, but rather at ...
lawyers! Imagine the world we would have if having the title 'Esquire'
barred you from being in the government! Imagine it!

I haven't researched it, but considering how spot on the founders were on
most things, I wouldn't doubt that this little tidbit got quashed....

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