[geeks] Ping...

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Tue Oct 29 08:33:05 CST 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 08:17:17AM -0600, Mike Hebel wrote:
>>Still it would be a nice pipe-dream to see them get a taste of living 
>>hand-to-mouth like some of us.  I think that if they have a salary over 
>>60k someone should divert their excess wealth directly to needy people 
>>without the intervention of existing agencies.  
> Hey now - some of us were making more than $60K and still living
> hand-to-mouth.

Yes.  The key word here is "working" which you do quite well - period.

I don't begrudge large salaries if the person actually does something 
but I'm pretty jaded about upper-management positions.  They tend to 
make high-level decisions, which is ok, but then never give a damn about 
how they affect the people on the bottom or get their hands dirty.

The best suggestion I've ever seen for training upper management was a 
show on PBS called (I think) "Back to the Floor" where they showed 
companies who sent major upper-management types down to the lowest 
levels for a period of time so thy can get a better idea of what happens 
when they make their management decisions.  It was amazing how the 
executives attitudes changed when they had to actually get some work 
done.  I think this should happen at the Board of Directors level. 
Someone who's truly a "suit" would get a rude awakening if they actually 
had to handle the consequences of the choices they made.

[/rant] Damn.  I'm in a bad mood this morning.  Maybe I'll feel better 
after I eat something and have some coffee.  Sorry again! :-/

Mike Hebel

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