[geeks] I really don't get it ...

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Tue Oct 22 17:19:29 CDT 2002

Steven Hill wrote:
>>I'm a personal believer in the view (which I haven't made any attempt to
>>prove -- I believe it purely nonscientifically) that the current global
>>warming is a result of the precession of the Earth's axis of rotation.
> Exactly!
> I looked at the Ice Cap 0xygen isotope readings about three years ago...
> The changes in which can be directly linked to atmospheric CO2.
> The cycle seemed to be following an interesting pattern... And since the
> earth wobbles on its axis in about three different ways, and the earth has
> been shown to have 4 or 5 cycles covering 400, 100, 40, 23 ka (IIRC the 23
> is really 26 and 20)
> While I do not advocate the abuse of the planet, I do beleive that the
> tree hugging morons should actually study some science so they don't panic
> the masses.
> http://www.env.duke.edu/faculty/barber/bio123/Readings/9.1%20Zachos.pdf
> Might explain some of this better than I.

I can see that I'm going to have som reading material for tonight. ;-)

Mike Hebel

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