[geeks] SGI users looking for software

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sun Oct 20 22:44:02 CDT 2002

On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 09:13:36AM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Shawn Wallbridge <shawn at synack-hosting.com> wrote:
> > Looks interesting. I wonder how much documentation it comes with. We
> > own a seat of Houdini at work and from what I have heard, it is quite
> > complicated and not very user friendly.
> That seems to be SOP for these types of packages these days.  By an
> large, the user-friendly stuff is already inexpensive to start with, or
> free...

It's not about user friendly versus non-userfriendly.  It is about
choosing who your users are, then being friendly to them.  For the most
part, any such application is going to require significant commitment to
learning them, and I don't see any good way around having such
requirements.  Granted, such requirements are what everyone needs.
Others need simple.  And for them there are other programs, where one of
the greatest features is they cut out what is unlikely to be needed, or
make it a seperate program (re, the bryce/poser suit).

Joshua D. Boyd

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