[geeks] Scanners -- the radio kind

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 7 10:46:13 CDT 2002

~ On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 05:04:37AM -0500, Shawn Wallbridge wrote:
~ > I have always wanted a scanner, but never actually got 
~ around to buying
~ > one. 
~ > Does anyone have any recommendations? I don't really know much about
~ > them, but I would like one that doesn't have any blocked 
~ frequencies 
~ > (if they do that). 
~ > Anyone have any suggestions on where to read more? 
~ Radio Shack Pro-2006.
~ I'm still kicking myself for selling my highly-modded one two 
~ years ago.

Ditto, but I still have mine :) 

And yes, there are issues of blocked recievers in Canada, esp. since your
market gets American distribution more often than not. The 2006 rocks. I
have heard all kinda things on it, incl. a certain Presidential Candidate
discussing questionable finances over an AirPhone. I guess he didn't get the
financing since he went on to promote Viagra!!

2006 dude, trust us. Unless you can afford the $1K+ costs of some of the
high end Icom stuff.

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