[geeks] DNS/Speakeasy DSL question...

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Fri Oct 4 17:26:45 CDT 2002

It's in the AUP but I think from what other people are telling me that's 
just a CYA clause and that they probably will do it if you ask _them_ to 
do it.  We'll just have to wait and see.

Mike Hebel
(Wondering if an Airport will support a standard PC or a Linksys WAP 
will support a Mac...)

Michael Schiller wrote:
> Mike Hebel wrote:
>>Also if they have a policy against allowing customers control of Reverse
>>DNS does that mean that they only allow hosting a domain through them?
> I don't know anything about Speakeasy, but my question to you is this: When
> you say no customer control of reverse DNS do you mean that they won't
> delegate authority to you, or are they not even willing to do the reverse
> to your hostnames (that you tell them what they are)? The few times I've
> had a subnet of static IPs the ISPs have always been willing to change the
> reverse DNS to the hostnames I've supplied them.
> --
> -Mike
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