DD'ing IRIX Disks (was Re: [geeks] Apple vs. Sun)

Jonathan C Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Thu Nov 7 13:55:13 CST 2002

On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 01:49 PM, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> I have a license.  :-)  Alas, it's only good on the Indy which doesn't
> work.

On an Indy, the hostid is stored on the nvram, so you can transplant 
the nvram module to a working Indy and have a working MIPSpro, should 
you desire it.

>   Even if you use GCC, there are some things that you have to get
> from the IRIX discs in order for it to work (while pre-compiled
> binaries work just fine without them).

Yes, you need the Dev. Foundation and Dev. Library CDs from the IRIX 
distribution.  Thankfully you don't need any of the MIPSpro CDs.  So 
long as you have a full complement of IRIX installation CDs, you're 
fine.  Plus, if you're running 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, or 6.4, you can download 
the necessary packages from SGI's website.

Jonathan C. Patschke
Celestrion Information Systems
Thorndale, TX

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