DD'ing IRIX Disks (was Re: [geeks] Apple vs. Sun)

Jonathan C Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Thu Nov 7 13:16:13 CST 2002

On Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 02:48 AM, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> Heh, I'm not sure I want to -ever- try to add OS packages to an Irix
> install again.  Somehow the guy who installed my Indy left out some
> all important piece of actually having a compiler.  After 5 days of
> fighting with dependancies and such in their installer, I gave up, and
> turned the machine off.  It sat there until a couple of months ago,
> when I tried to fire it up and the power supply was dead (Indy).  I
> haven't been able to get it running again.

On IRIX 6.5, it's really easy.   When you install -anything-:
   1) Run inst (or swmgr) on the distribution that you want to install.
   2) Open both your foundation CDs. (in inst: "open", in swmgr: "Open 
an Additional Distribution")
   3) Open all your current overlay CDs.
   4) Select what you want.
   5) Install!

Step 2 normally isn't necessary if you have a decently-complete 
installation.  Most people forget step 3.  The overlay CDs have patches 
to a -lot- of unbundled software, and if a patch is present there, the 
OS will not allow you to install the package without opening the 
overlay distribution.

Jonathan C. Patschke
Celestrion Information Systems
Thorndale, TX

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