[geeks] Being a guy, and being sentimental.

Jeff Borisch jborisch at columbus.rr.com
Mon Mar 18 09:09:03 CST 2002

Fogg, James wrote:

> OK, so I don't throw out anything usefull either. Maybe it isn't a good
> coffe table, but it can keep computers off the floor. When it finaly has no
> purpose, use it as firewood. Nothing should go to a landfill unless
> absolutely nothing more can be done with an item.

What! Are you trying to ruin the economy? (sarcasm)

There is an interesting book by Susan Strasser called "Waste and Want - the
social history of trash." It describes our historical relationship with
landfills and stuff we throw out, and in it are some interesting examples of
ways people reused objects. There are also nice chapters about the origins
of planned obsolescence and how Ford almost became a non-player for his
refusal to arbitrarily change body styles. I recommend it highly.


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