[geeks] combatting smokers

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Tue Jun 18 13:05:09 CDT 2002

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Tim H. wrote:

> I also have physical symptoms from second hand smoke, in spite of the
> fact that I actually like the smell, but I have always felt that smokers
> are really getting screwed right now.  Why should the guy who needs
> coffee to function get it company supplied indoors, while the guy who
> needs a smoke to function has to go stand in the snow on the loading
> dock?  I am all for a smoke free workplace, but geez, a properly
> ventilated smokers breakroom can't be that expensive.

I'm of two minds on this.

First of all, I believe that my right to clean air overrides right right
of another to fill my area with smoke.  I get splitting migraines within
10 seconds of scenting cigarette smoke, and after a minute in a confined
room with a lit cigarette I literally cannot think due to the pain.

Unfortunately, I'm also a diehard libertarian and believe that the erosion
of personal freedoms is a danger to all of us regardless of whether we
personally take advantage of each of them.  I'm reminded of a few
paragraphs by Shulgin where he analyzes how he would go about making
tobacco flat-out illegal, starting with banning it from public places,
restaurants, and steadily moving on with economic sanctions against users
and "dealers".  The first steps have already been taken in many places.

Finally, as a businessman (though less so than formerly) I have an eye for
the bottom line.  A coffeepot is cheap compared with floorspace, and
there's less of a perception of money being misspent on certain employee
groups.  Non coffee drinkers have a cup more often than nonsmokers light

> My personal solution to all annoying neighbor problems was to get away
> from them, out in the boonies, house well back from the road, (invisible
> actually) driveway that suggests the use of 4 wheel drive.  My wife grew
> up a city girl, and she moved to the country with trepidation, but 6
> months out here and she was probably more anti-city than I am.

Amen.  Lived in cities for 7 years, it's good to be away from them again.
Unfortunately my wife is extremely turned off at the thought of raising
any animal for meat, but I'm working on her.  At least the chicken coop is
going in.


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