[geeks] combatting smokers

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Tue Jun 18 08:14:23 CDT 2002

> > since when does someone smoking have anything to do with 
> loud, thumping
> > music?
> no, a new neighbor moving in would explain it though.
> > try moving.
> nope. i dont have to put up with it, and i'm not going to.
> alex
> _______________________________________________

	Well I think your best bet is to start smoking yourself. You won't
smell it or be bothered by it anymore and you get the added benefits of
reducing your stress levels (both from the cigarettes and from solving the
problem) and your airborne allergies will disappear. 
	As to getting it to stop, forget it. You are in Virginia, one of the
tobacco states. RJ Reynolds has it corporate headquarters only 150 miles
from you. Smoking is not only allowed but expected here. Matter of fact
weren't you given a carton when you crossed the state line?
	As for a real solution, with added health benefits. Invest in a HEPA
filter (not an ionic one, ionic is bad) and use that. Not only will it clear
the smoke but it will also clear most allergens. 

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

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