[geeks] ping JFogg re: e-mails, ping2 question...

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Mon Jun 17 17:43:21 CDT 2002

That usually happens when clueless AOL users attach things... at least 
for me.

It crashes Apple Mail as well... but I just go into the folder with vi 
and carve the darn message out.  It happens so rarely that I don't 
usually need to do it.  I can sometimes also delete the message if I 
need to delete multiple messages and I select the trouble-some message 
as the second in a series.


On Monday, June 17, 2002, at 06:27 PM, Eric Dittman wrote:

>> For PC's I was using Outlook Express, but I still prefer PINE. (I
>> haven't used PC's for mail in two years or so)
>> The Outlook Family is kind of brain-dead in some respects.
> At $WORK we have to use Outlook.  There are really strange
> problems, like sometimes Outlook locks up when opening my
> inbox.  I have to use the web interface to go in and delete
> messages until I find the one that causes the lockup.  I've
> never been able to find a common characteristic in the
> messages that cause the lockup.
> --
> Eric Dittman
> dittman at dittman.net
> Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/
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