[geeks] Little Kids + Unix

D.A. Muran-de Assereto dmuran at tuad.org
Wed Jan 30 15:29:15 CST 2002

I've been lucky in that regard. My bosses have all rewarded production and
competence, and really don't give a rats what time I come in as long as they
know when I'll arrive. They even let me stay at home and write code.

One of the benefits of working for a big government contractor at a military

Dave Muran-de Assereto

> From: David Passmore <dpassmor at sneakers.org>
> Reply-To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 10:54:49 -0800
> To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Subject: Re: [geeks] Little Kids + Unix
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 06:39:53AM +0000, Kris Kirby wrote:
>> According to my boss, I'm an "average" worker. This is interesting to me,
>> because he's overlooked the fact that I haven't returned from a single
>> break on-time since I started working in the coating room. That and being
>> a quick learner, etc. I picked up a new skill in three days when it takes
>> most people seven. He forgot these things though...
>> After the performance review, I felt like Wally from Dilbert: "Woah. I
>> better lay down until the motivation lays off."
> I too have always been 'average' on performance reviews. I discovered that
> on reviews it doesn't matter how much valuable work you produce or how much
> money you save the company, it matters how many hours you work or whether
> you come in early. I think some managers think that giving their best
> workers an average rating will encourage them to work as much as 'John' over
> in the corner cube-- you know, the guy who works 14 hour days, comes in 2
> hours early, and who produces a steady stream of work, but it's nothing very
> valuable. In fact, it's usually mediocre.
> They never stop to think that giving a worker this rating will rarely
> encourage them to work harder... rather, it'll anger them in the long run.
> David
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