[geeks] Re: [rescue] Boats?

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Jan 25 11:58:48 CST 2002

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Chad Fernandez wrote:

> What else are they supposed to do?  There is only one Zero that can
> fly.  Previously, I had always heard that there were no Zero's left, but
> Aircraft Records has a CD on one, so someone must have found one that
> could be restored.
> Furthermore, even though movies have sky high budgets..... I think a
> WWII era Navy might be out of the movie budget just a little :-)

They used models in Tora Tora Tora, and it was convincing enough. (for the
ships).  They used computer animation in the new Pearl movie for air
combat scenes, so they had authentic aircraft.  If you notice the HE-111,
it is not a Hispano model like the CAF has with the low air scoops, but a
real authentic 111.  It is computer generated.  You would think with the
budget they had, they could do the entire set of far away navy shots with
CG.  It's not that hard... Seeing a slant deck carrier, a bunch of
Spruance's and a nuclear sub representing the Japanese fleet is an utter

A note about Tora Tora Tora: Even though they used Harvard Texans, they
did enough of a good job with the replication work (cowling adjust, etc.)
that they were almost perfect and made for a good movie nonetheless.  Yes
the gear is too short and looks stubby.


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