[geeks] valuation on a sparc 2 / ss10?

Josh Mast jjm at rt.fm
Mon Jan 14 11:45:54 CST 2002

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 07:00:50PM -0500, Ryn wrote:
> How many machines do most people keep running in there house? I Think running
> three
> machines around the clock is bad.

 Normally? Something like five. The windows machine, Indy for an X enviroment,
ss5 for email/everything else, dual p100 for web monkeying (perl/php/sql), and
my 486 as a router. I'd probably power on a few more things, but I'm well on my
way to running out of electrical outlets and network jacks. Which is going to get
even worse when I have to go up to NY this week to fetch some AV macs.


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