[geeks] home equipment inventories

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Jan 9 22:04:37 CST 2002

On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 07:41:23PM -0800, Ken Hansen wrote:
> The web site was not the point. You make your living
> in computers, you have a hobby that is very similar to
> your job, if there is a question *you* will have to
> explain that you had $8,000 worth of hobby computers
> that burned up in your house, and that really, they
> were not for work, althoug I do use the same type of
> equipment at work.

Yes, and I'd addressed that point already.  I've explained
that I've talked to my insurance agent about it, and I'm
covered.  Period.  I dont *have* to do any explaining, and
the SunHELP site/machines have nothing to do with this

> If you can't see the point that's fine, but I never
> was discussing the loss of the website it was the
> similarity of your job and hobby that might cause
> confusion, and as such could cause a claim to be
> refused

I understand the point you were trying to make; you just
dont seem to get it that I see your point, but I dont
necessarily have to *agree* with it.

> but I guess Amy already explained that to
> you, or maybe her mom did.

Amy's mother passed away in 1998.

> Bill, please don't engage me (or anyone else) in a
> conversation on a topic Amy is an expert in - It isn't
> pleasent for anyone involved...

Ken, please dont tell me, or anyone else, what to do on
a mailing list that *I* run, on *MY* machines, on *MY*
bandwidth and storage.  You seem to love to nitpick, to
make assumptions, and now you're trying to boss me around.

I've had enough. 



> Bye.

Have fun, you probably wont see this as I just unsubscribed you:

root at ohno:/usr/local/mailman/bin> ./remove_members geeks n2vip at yahoo.com
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root at ohno:/usr/local/mailman/bin> ./remove_members sparcbook n2vip at yahoo.com
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root at ohno:/usr/local/mailman/bin> ./remove_members macweenies n2vip at bellatlantic.net
root at ohno:/usr/local/mailman/bin> ./remove_members sales n2vip at bellatlantic.net

Next time be careful who you give orders to.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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