[geeks] computer room gallery 8-)

Eric Dittman geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Jan 5 01:29:35 CST 2002

> > I can't really agree here.  The problem with memory cell errors due
> > to radiation was known long enough for the designers to have taken
> > that into account.
> I would have thought so too, until I saw the lead time required to make 
> some of the changes.  Like I said, they were foolish, and did not think 
> ahead (a personal nit of mine with *most* of corporate America).  I 
> guess I still don't understand why they wouldn't have done it from the 
> beginning, as I would *expect* to put ECC on *any* memory in a large 
> system.

Lack of planning ahead is why 8088-based DOS systems have parity error
detection and Pentium 4 Wintel systems have memory error detection and/
or correction only as an extra-cost option.

> BTW, if you are wondering, I did not ignore your eBay comment.  I can 
> speak in general terms about my own opinions and public knowledge, but I 
> cannot comment on a specific customer.  That would not be kosher.

I can understand that.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/

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