[geeks] was OSX --> worst of Apple

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Thu Feb 28 22:15:22 CST 2002

On 28 Feb 2002, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> Let's not get confused here...  The //e wasn't a Mac.  I actually liked
> those critters (though the //c was far kinder in terms of space used).
> Then they had umpteen years of Bad Macs, then they hit PPC, and started
> to suck less, eventually getting to the nice machines they've had for
> the past couple of years (save the iBook and original iMac).

I see it more as:

Good Apple: some of old Steve J, mostly Steve W, a tiny fraction of
Amelio, mostly new Steve J, Quadras, Powermacs (85xx, x6xx, 73xx, G3, G4,
ANS), Apple II, and various Systems (6.0.8, 7.0.1, 7.5.5, 7.6.1, 8.1,
8.5.1, 9.1, X, and X server 2.0) and software (WebObjects, etc. [ex-NeXT],

Bad Apple: Apple III, Lisa (questionable badness), LC Macs, Performas
(except the 6400 series), most of Sculley, Gassee, and all of Spindler.
Some systems (7.0 I think, 7.5 and 7.5.2?, 8.6, 9.0-9.0.4)

strongest good factors: New Steve, G4, OS X, Apple II, Mac "concept"

strongest bad factors: Spindler, Performas

Andrew J. Weiss
"Hey Marge they have the Internet on computers now!" -- Homer Simpson

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