[geeks] Inventories and Wish Lists (again)

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Mon Apr 22 14:53:21 CDT 2002

Emulex makes an FC card with drivers that can make it look like a switch
port. Veritas has some storage management software that will let you take
any Solaris 7 or 8 box and make it look like an FC storage array. Attach a
large amount of local storage and a few of those cards and you're there. But
that's still a fairly expensive solution (the Emulex boards go for around
$1.5k if you buy them in lots of 5 from a wholesaler).

Chris Byrne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> Of Joshua D Boyd
> As to SAN, one possibility that might work would be a Sun with
> both GigE for
> the Macs, and Hippi for the Octane, Crays, and Onyx that I forgot
> to put on
> the list.  Going this route, the SAN isn't as elegent, but it might be
> affordable.  I figure a minimum of 10 Fastwide or better scsi
> chanels would
> be needed., that number could by cut down if FC-AL was used
> (attached directly
> to the server, not full fabric SAN FC-AL) and I have no idea what
> hippi cards
> cost.

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