[geeks] Inventories and Wish Lists (again)

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Mon Apr 22 12:58:56 CDT 2002

Well since we've all been talking about what kind of hardware (IBM this
time) we have, and we want I think it's time to update those inventories and
wish lists again.

So my current computing inventory looks like this

1 Sun Ultra 60 2300, 512mb, 2x36gig, E3dm3, SunPCI-II, USB, Solaris 8
1 Sun Ultra 10 300, 384mb, 2x9gig Scsi, C3ds3, Scsi cd-rom, scsi zip drive,
USB, Solaris 8
1 DEC PWS 433AU, 256mb, 2x4.3gig, Powerstorm 4d50, No OS currently
1 Intergraph TDS-410 2x200x1mb PPro, 256mb, 4.3gig scsi, scsi tape
(unknown), Some high end intergraph graphics unknown model number. Mandrake
1 Athlon 900, 512mb, 2x80gig IDE, SCSI Plextor CD-RW and CD, SCSI DVD,
GeForce3, Sb Audigy Platinum, Firewire, Win2kpro/98se
1 ThinkPad a21p, PIII-M 866, 256mb, 30gig ide, Ati rage mobility, 15.1"
1600x1200 lcd, Win2kpro/Mandrake 8.1
1 PII-300, 64mb, 3gig ide, Trident generic graphics, three 10/100 NIC's and
an anlog modem, IPCop
24" sun monitor, 17" HP Monitor, 15" NEC LCD

BTW, whoever mentioned IPCop the other day thanks. I switched my ISDN
gateway from OpenBSD to IPCop last night just for the hell of it, and I like
it. Very cool.

So, if I had the cash (I don't but if I did) this is what I'd get

2x450x4mb UPA modules, 2gb ram, and a VXR1000 for the U60 to do some REAL
heavy 3D, crypto, and performance work

512mb for the DEC, and an OpenVMS package

Dual Octane MX/E r12k 300, 2 gig. Because I want some serious graphical
horsepower, and I think it's cool

Dual G4E 1ghz, 1.5gig, GeForce4. Because I want to run OSX and I like SMP

Some kind of dual proc Power2sc or power 3 system. Because I want to run AIX
and I like SMP

A 4 proc Sparc (pre-ultra) system of some kind with max RAM and a decent
framebuffer, because I've always wanted one.

A physically small but relatively powerful VAX of some kind, again just cuz
I've always wanted one

And on the more esoteric side I'd really love a thinking machine. Any
thinking machine. Because I want one and they're cool. I dont think I'm
smart enough to actually do anything useful with it. I wouldnt use it as a
computer, more as a piece of art.

Chris Byrne

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