[geeks] Re: Callahans and othr great books

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Mon Apr 15 20:36:14 CDT 2002

I wish. The local library's science fiction section is mixed in with fantasy
and horror and some of it is classified as young adult. This is one of the
best libraries in Ireland. If you think sci-fi gets no respect in the states
it's even worse here. I've been told Germany and Russia treat sci-fi better
but having never been to a library there nor reading either language I can't

Chris Byrne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> Of Scott Newell
> Sent: 16 April 2002 00:55
> To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [geeks] Re: Callahans and othr great books
> >I'm looking for any heinlein, doc smith, or callahans e-books I
> can get. I'd
> >much rather have paper copies but I cant get htem here because of
> >distribution agreements etc...
> Lending library?  Something else to consider (maybe only in the US):
> interlibrary loan.  At my local branch, I can do an ILL and get damn near
> any book for three weeks, if I can wait for them to locate it at another
> library.  Really helps when you live in a non-urban area with no (decent)
> engineering library nearby.  Surprisingly, it's even free (although I
> suspect this is slightly unusual--I'm probably the most prolific ILL user
> in the county).
> newell
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