[geeks] just for you guys....

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Sun Apr 14 18:19:31 CDT 2002

On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> I guess anything anyone could talk about here potentially amongst the
> wild range of topics in geeks could hit a forbidden population....

excellent way of putting it. as much as it's happened in the past, i
started thinking i was some sort of untouchable after awhile.

> a strange question of where line drawing occurs... forget my ealier
> post... I read linearly sometimes jumping ahead, but I'm a day or so
> behind at the moment.

s'allright. no worries.

> I think the waiter was being mean on purpose and should have been decked.

mm no, he just didn't look or was just a dumbfuck. same old story. as i
said its happened quite a bit over the years and each time i deal with it

> I get extremely pissed when people do the opposite to me on the phone...
> the facial hair would give me away in public, however.

my mom had a very deep voice and used to get called sir at drive-thrus.
they always apologized a lot tho when they saw her cause she was very

> People have been doing this to me my entire life ranging from correcting
> them and they say oops sorry... sometimes multiple corrections, and once
> with the credit card company forcing me to go in to do a photo ID and
> suspending my card use... and I was just calling about a routine
> maintenance issue.  Yeah pisses me off... I can't say that it offends me
> any longer, however.

mm the only time i was actively pissed off (not upset, mind, just irate)
by it was when some dumbass new desk clerk at my college dorm tried to tell
me that i couldnt go in as i was not the correct sex. bad move. i whipped off
my shirt and he went bright red and apologized like mad and then had the
gall to try and ask me out.

> But then again I don't really care about people making fun of me... all
> my friends make fun of me in a good natured sort of way... I'm one of
> those guys everyone picks on.
> Either that or I just like sarcastic and cynical people with a sense of
> humor.

yeah but there's sometimes when it hurts like mad. and then you gotta
wonder if you asked your friends to stop the jokes, would they listen?


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