[geeks] i refuse to spend the entire day infront of a computer

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sat Apr 13 19:36:14 CDT 2002

On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 05:27:06PM -0700, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> We (Chan, her mom, and I) went out and celebrated Thai New Year 
> (Songkran) by eating at our favorite Thai place, then went to the Guitar 
> Shop to look for my birthday present.  We're going to go back tomorrow 
> for some one-on-one, as I want to make sure I get some pro advice.  (My 
> birthday present from both of them is an electric guitar, amp, and 
> lessons.)

Go with one of the cheap ($100-150ish) Stratocaster copies (Squier Strat,
if I remember correctly), and one of the small Marshall stack practice
amps.  Get an electronic tuner, 2-3 sets of strings, and a *string winder*.

Dont bother with pedals, effects, etc, until you learn how to play first.

Learn how to get the sound you want out of the guitar + amp, not out of
guitar + amp + special effects.  It makes you a better player.

(man, now i wanna go buy a guitar again.. I played electric and acoustic
 6-string and acoustic 12-string for *years*, up until about 1998...)

Email me if you want tips...


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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