[geeks] Web Browsers that Don't Suck

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Fri Apr 12 14:32:10 CDT 2002

On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 02:19:00PM -0500, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> Are there any web browsers[1] that suck substantially less than the rest?
> I don't mean this as a snobbish rhetorical question, either.  I really
> -want- a web browser that doesn't suck (horribly), and I don't want to
> have to put it on my list of projects that I intend to code[2] sometime
> before the heat-death of the universe.
> Mozilla 0.9.9, while faster than previous milestones, still feels like
> trying to run while waist-deep in tar[4].  Never mind that I've just
> somehow triggered a but in -it- that prevents loading any more pages.  
> Just like Netscape 4.79, it'll just spin and throb, but not go anywhere.

> [4] Come -on-.  Other than JavaShit and plug-ins, how much compuration
>     does it require to open a telnet connection to port 80, issue a
>     handful of commands, parse the output, and draw the result in a
>     window?

Have you looked at amaya?  It is from the w3c.  Some say it is fast.  Haven't
tried it myself.  Also, have you tried galleon on irix?

I suspect your best results would come from either fixing KDE or figuring out
how to optimize Mozilla rather than actually starting from scratch.  Someone
really needs to attack mozilla with a profiler and identify what the darn
problem is.

Joshua D. Boyd

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