[geeks] sun.com

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Fri Apr 12 01:52:20 CDT 2002

"Jonathan C. Patschke" wrote:
>    Dammmit!  Son of a bitch!  The only -decent- corporate site on the 'Net
> just -had- to go to hell.  I thought they -learned- their lesson after
> their "giant fucking GIF from hell" phase.  After that, they created a
> site where you really -could- find everything, and really -could- get back
> to where you were eariler -easily-.
>    And now it's shit.looks-like-it-was-made-in-frontpage-by-a-newbie.com.
> Damn, but it looks like ass.  It's like...HP's site, but uglier.  That's
> it, I'm going back to Lynx.

I hate HP's site. I really really hate it.
My favourites right now must be Compaqs though, since I go there alot. U
usually find things (if you manage to stay away from the PeeCee-related
pages), but they seem to let old documents off far too soon. It's a PITA
to find older documents there, IMO.
Oh, and sometimes you just have to use the Incontinent Exploder. That's
a painful experience.

Vdnliga hdlsningar/Best Regards
Bjvrn Ramqvist, Hdgglunds Vehicle AB

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