[geeks] [auto-response at amazon.com: "Real Genius" (DVD) is available for pre-order at Amazon.com]

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Tue Apr 9 22:00:37 CDT 2002

>> "I think I used too much..."
>> YES!!!!  Must hold back credit card...failing....*hit by wife with board*
>> There, now I can wait a week. ;-)
BB> Well, its not coming out until June, so I'll just order it closer to
BB> then..

Yes, but this way there's time for them to lose my order and still be
able to re-order it. ;-)

BB> add it to the pile of Buckaroo Banzai, Transformers, Tron.. Thinking
BB> of getting the "V" DVD as well.

I haven't seen the "V" one but I've heard it's pretty good.  I'd like
a breakdown on making the fake weapons - probably pretty easy.

The only thing that bugged me about that was that they almost _never_
picked up the enemy's guns and used them against them.  Tank Girl was
better with - "Mine."  I personally would have had a trunk full of the
stinking little blasters after any particular fight.

Mike Hebel                        mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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