[geeks] I now know what "blogging" is.

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Mon Apr 8 13:07:15 CDT 2002

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:

> I find it SO amusing how everyone hates Wil Wheaton.  Like he had control
> over the script.  I, frankly, am impressed with his "blog".  No, I don't
> like the term, but I like the fact that he runs his server himself.  More
> actors are doing the online presence now, but who runs their own stuff?

I doubt the script said "Act like a pathetic, whining know-it-all."

The quality of the actor makes or breaks the character.  A good actor can
create magic, even with a crappy role.  But, a poor actor can take a good
role and ruin it.

Having said that, I also blame the scriptwriters and producers.  WHY does
damn near every show today feel the need to include a kid?  The original
Star Trek did just fine w/o one.  

I'm glad he can maintain his own website.  That proves that he also has
enough neurons to *breathe*, anyway.


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