[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Apr 7 20:43:09 CDT 2002

On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 09:33:53PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
>   To me, slightly thick in the middle, but certainly nowhere near
> "chubby" or "fat cow".  Bill, it seems the folks that are about a
> half-generation behind us prefer their women to look emaciated...and
> when this comes up in conversation it seems, at least with me, that
> they think I dig "fat women" because I'm a "fat guy", and I'll bet the
> same goes for you, as a big guy.

Personally, I prefer women, period. 8-)  One of my best friends in college
was what you would call a "stick figure" model type; it was almost 
Laruel and Hardy-ish when we hung out, but that was just it, hanging out.
No romantic involvement or interest at all between us, we just werent
each other's type.. but we'd just hang out and BS.

When it comes to being romantically involved, I prefer women, who, like I
said before, dont look like they'll snap in half when I hug them.  I've
dated skinny women.  I've dated chunky women.  I've dated chubby women.  
Heck, i've dated FAT women - to me, it doesent really matter; its whats in 
their HEAD that counts more than anything else.  Sex is just a "bonus".

>   And pretty darn cute, I must say, especially in the first shot.  I
> would go there in a heartbeat.

Well, thats Mia Tyler.  She *DOES* have a sister, named Liv. 8-)


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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