[geeks] Re: Bus architecture was RE: [SunRescue] Re: NetApps?

Kurt Mosiejczuk geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 22 10:05:07 CST 2001

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

> We're too bitter and sarcastic to get up in front of people
> and sell anything, anyway.  "Uhm.  Here.  Buy our stuff.  Bye."
> Bill

My wife recently got suckered into holding a Pampered Chef party
(fairly cool, but expensive, cookware).  We held a "catalog
party" instead (which is giving people the catalog and asking if
they want anything).

Well, my wife wanted me to hit up a couple coworkers (particularly
the one who hit us up for PAmpered Chef before =) ).

How did I approach it?

I walked into his office, held out the catalog and said:

"Pimp pimp."



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