[geeks] mp3 skippage

Jonathan Katz geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Mar 15 14:10:28 CST 2001

Dave write:
> That seems most likely to me.  If the soundcard is expecting to get
> samples at 48kHz, and mpg123 (or whatever) is outputting them at 44kHz
> that might explain it.

*shrug* I "upgraded" to a cheap PCI-based card and it seems to be
working better. It skips every once in a while, and I even had a
hard-lock, but I think that was due to heat *shrug* we'll see. I
like this new card better, anywho, since it has line-out as opposed
to amplified out.

Also, when I first installed the new card it shared an IRQ w/ the
video card and skipped... now, I moved it over a slot, everything has
its own IRQ and it is happier.

I hate PCs.


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