Tim Harrison geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 13 19:41:38 CST 2001

Jonathan Katz wrote:

> 3 races, a basketball team who almost had the title (this middle
> finger is for you, Shaq), HQ of Prime Computer at one point
> (remember them?)  ... what else? Eli Lilly (maker of Prozac) HQ
> is here.

1.  Hate cars.  Don't drive.  F1 is the only interesting thing relating
to cars that I can deal with watching.
2.  My father is an avid basketball fan/coach, hence my non-athleticism.
3.  Know of, but not much.
4.  I prefer Celexa. :)
> Canadian! Stealing our precious American oxygen! LOL Welcome aboard!

And choking on every last gasp of it. :)  Don't be so quick to welcome
me.  The US immigration rules and proceedures are a pain, and you never
know when they'll decide to kick me out.
> That's like going into Times Square and asking any random
> passer-by if they have an asshole. The NYC job-market for
> Unix Admins is amazing. If you have a problem getting a
> job as a Unix Admin in NYC via dice.com let me know so I
> can come visit you and put you out of your misery. LOL

Oh, it's not the finding of jobs that's the problem.  It's the keeping
of them I have issues with. :)  I tend to be a little overly honest, and
when I see boneheaded things happening, I call 'em as I see 'em.  That
has led to enough problems (an incident where I called the CEO of a
major company an asshole because he thought that it was smarter to put
everything onto NT and move it all offsite -- too bad their stock is in
the shitter... ;0).
> FYI, when typing in 'solaris admin' in the New York search
> page at dice I got 207 matches.... some consulting (contracting)
> and the rest full-time. Check this (and notice the hourly rate):
> http://www.dice.com/DandL/d/davidlaw.UAACG02.html
>  OR
> http://www.dice.com/DandL/c/cxcisny.2001-2-BF.html

I've already started looking in preparation for the day the papers come
through. :)  I'll be done with people taking advantage of me (which they
do -- I've heard the words "If you don't like it, you can go back to
Canada" waaaay too many times).
> Take care, and good luck!

I shall, and my humblest thanks. :)


Tim Harrison
Network Engineer
harrison at timharrison.com

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