[geeks] The one that got away...

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Mar 10 15:03:01 CST 2001

On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 02:12:23PM -0600, Hatle, Steven J. wrote:
> All,
> The BeBox has a very happy home. Just upgraded to 5.03 Pro, and ready start
> (slowly) doing SETI units again, among other things.

Did you ever find the plastic cover for the LEDs on that one side?

I'm surprised that 5.x still supports PPC.

> Besides, Pete got NeXT stuff in trade. It wasn't _my_ fault his water heater
> exploded and ruined 'em.  .  .

You know, swapping the BeBox for a loaded SS5/110 seemed like a good deal
*at the time*, now I feel like an idiot. 8-)

> (Still missing one of the clear plastic bezels to go over the blinky lights
> on his BeBox, in case anyone has one.  .  .)

Oh, ignore question above then...  Still using the Matrox video card with


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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