[geeks] WTB: digital camera

James Fogg geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 31 09:48:28 CDT 2001

There *are* many excellent pro digitals out there (Cannon makes a few). They
look like 35mm cams and have the same features. Some (like Cannon) even use SLR
lens mounts and focal depths, so you don't have to buy new lenses (at $200 to
$1000 for a good lens, thats important).

One hack I have considered is taking a 110 camera and modifying it for a CCD
from a modern digicam (the film image size is about the same as many CCD's).
There was some 110 camera that used glass interchangable lenses (it cost
something like $800 new). I have seen them around and bet they would take great
digi pics if modified.

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, THOU SPAKE:
> I while heartedly agree about the annoyances of PHD digital
> cams.  However, I think that what would be best would be something other
> than just new camera backs to retrofit existing SLRs.  I think whole new
> camera (perhaps with the abilities to take existing lenses though) would
> be better.  With SLR backs, you get into either having to use a humoungous
> CCD, or you have to try to cram more magnification optics in, or some
> combination of the two.  While the idea of a 35mm CCD is appealing (ooh,
> 10k res. pics. drool), they either can't be made, or if they could be,
> they are too expensive and hard to make.  I mean, how many 35mm chips have
> you seen in recent years?  35mm is larger than a pentium, P2, 286, etc.
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
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