[geeks] Buzzzzz

Geoff Reed geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 19 18:11:01 CST 2001

in a home setting cleaning ans sanitizing the heads only need be done 
roughly weekly. it's not that big of a deal to do.. takes about 5 minutes 
of time and you leave the parts to soak about 30 mins in a sanitizer 
solution... then they get rinsed off and either stored in carb h20 
overnight in the fridge or back onto the fountain.

At 01:32 PM 12/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
>On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, William Enestvedt wrote:
> > > What I want is my own Coke fountain at home.
> >    The syrup comes in multi-gallon foil bags (like wine) that have plastic
> > caps, the water comes from your pipes, and the fun part is getting a
> > cylinder of CO2 in your basement. Then you just adjust the taps to mix
> > everything to taste as it goes up the line leading to the "gun" at your
> > bar/kitchen counter/deck/wherever. (I used to work at a restaurant that had
> > a five -foot tall cylinder in the basement, and that thing was way cool [if
> > you can forgive the obvious].)
> >    I wonder if you could work out a deal by contacting a local Coke
> > distributor, or if they avoid the domestic market so that no one realized
> > just how big a cash cow this is for restaurants.
>I think the biggest issue is the head unit and installation.  A restaurant
>can eat a multi-thousand dollar head unit as part of the price of doing
>business.  That or the distributor can eat part (or all) of that cost knowing
>that the business from the restaurant will be worth it.  I worked at a
>restaurant with the above described system, and I don't know the price, but
>we went through 15-20 of the (~50 lb) boxed foil bags of syrup each week.
>And we always had 3-4 of those 5ft CO2 tanks around.
>I can't imagine Bill and Amy generating that much sales for the distributor.
>A 12 pack every 2.5 days is a lot for two people, but that's not worth
>discussing to a distributor.
>They also do require a decent amount of maintenance... we took apart the taps
>and sanitized the nozzles each night.  I would imagine Bill wouldn't want to
>do that =)
>GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks

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