[geeks] Spouses and stuff (was Re: new lists?)

Amy geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Dec 14 00:02:30 CST 2001

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Tom Borton wrote:
> Usually, when I spot a new toy and talk to her about it, she
> rolls her eyes upward, sighs, and says "How much?"

that's freaky. the first thing i ask (and i roll my eyes and sigh too) is
"how big?". :)

> I'm also lucky in that she's a worse clutterbug than I am, so even if my
> collections take up more volume, her stuff is in the way a lot more than
> mine.

we started attacking the cluttermonster when we started redoing this
joint. so far its been a case of me attempting to understand why a pdp-11
would hold sentimental value and him trying to fathom why a linen
tablecloth is invaluable. in retrospect it'd be funny to watch secondhand
when we hire dumpsters out on clearing days. :)

> Oh, and what kitchen-ware would you get for an empty Sun E10K chassis?

i'm actually facing that, coincidentally enough. i've decided that if he
gets the chassis, i'll get an appropriate volume of stuff (most likely
furniture or a nice potrack or the like). he mentioned pots and pans down
the line somewhere as well.

> I'm still trying to figure out if I want to haul it home from the local
> junk collector.

i wouldnt want to guess the worth of an e10k chassis. i'd say go for it.
it just has that nifty factor.


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