[geeks] new lists? 8-)

Fogg, James geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 13 13:09:01 CST 2001

 -----Original Message-----
~ From: Amy [mailto:nospam at frenzy.com]
~ dont get me wrong, we've made our compromises. if he gets a 
~ cray then i'm getting a viking range.

OOOhh.. Viking Range....
Even I want one of them in the house.
In fact, the Viking is going to show up in my house before any Cray. Maybe
even before my next new computer.

You see, my wife is a wizard in the kitchen. Name a cuisine and she knows 10
recipes by memory. Mention Penn Dutch, and she not only knows 50 recipes by
memory, but has about 30 really old Penn Dutch cookbooks in her collection
that are out of print. She even has the special equipment, like a copper
mixing bowl (it has something to do with eggs) and a bigass Kitchenaid stand

I like to eat and my tastes cover every nationality's cuisine. I make sure
she has what she wants so I get to eat what I like. The 'puters on the other
hand.... they're in the basement (soon to be barn loft office).

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