[geeks] rlogin for MacOS

Brian Hechinger geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 22 11:44:24 CDT 2001

On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:37:34AM -0500, Mike Hebel wrote:
> You think that's bad - I'm 32 and someone recently called me Sid!

ha!  did you lart them appropriately? (if they want you to be sid, then be sid)

> They were joking of course but you do get pretty weird looks when you
> mention "Hunt the Wumpus", punch cards, or even COBOL around some
> people.

some people have no clue that computers can run things other than windows or
macos.  their loss. :)

> *sigh* I only wish I were as thin as Sid... ;-)

i'm less sid-like lately.  i actually shaved. :)


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