[geeks] News server access

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 13 13:27:42 CDT 2001

If you can't get "centrix" don't even bother looking at ISDN.   IIRC they
charge you 1c/min per b off peak, 2c/min per b peak.  I once calced the
monthly price at that rate for a 100% up dual chan isdn and it was on the
order of 3000$.

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, joshua d boyd wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 01:52:32PM -0400, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> > maybe that's why they went out of business, but i find that hard to believe.
> > they existed pre-DSL/cable selling dialup, T1's, T3's and Frame-Relay of every
> > shape and size.  they are a total kick ass business.  i can't understand why
> > they didn't make it.
> Maybe they tried to make some fundamental changes at the same time.  A lot
> of DSL companies invested in more than just DSL.  They also tried to offer
> voice and other services at the same time, and built the framework to
> support those other services, but the business demand wasn't there in
> time.  Trying to remeber where I heard that.
> PS, does anyone on the east coast (verizon area) have ISDN?  Care to
> comment on it?  I'm having trouble getting straight pricing info (want a
> service that actually allows me to run a server, and has multiple IPs).
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
> http://www.cs.millersville.edu/~jdboyd/
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