[geeks] Damn, dual head is nice...

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 10 11:47:46 CDT 2001

I am testing an SS/20, and on a lark I threw in two 4 Meg VSIMMs and a
secondary video card, installed Solaris 8, tweaked the
/usr/dt/config/Xservers file (following the example at the bottom of the
file for dual head operation), and rebooted.

Suddenly, my second monitor sprung to life!

Then a desktop appeared. a complete, seperate CDE session (nearly), with 4
seperate sessions on the display...

That is nice! 8^P

Now, I'll VTS test the 9 Gig SGI SCA drive - it seems to work fine as a boot
device now...


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