[SunHELP] Mozilla / Firefox on Solaris

Tige D. Chastain tdchastain at insightbb.com
Mon Jan 17 23:28:18 CST 2005

I just did a rollout to 250+ SunRays of Firefox.

Read the info on sunfreeware.com and you will find the firefox and
mozilla there was contributed by internal Sun developers.  So it is safe
to assume it was compiled and optimized with Forte.  However, I did not
look to find what version of GTK it was compiled it.  I'm willing to bet
it was compiled with what comes with Solaris 9.  Run ldd against the
binary and find out what it needs to run - that will give you a good

The target environment I deployed has 3 v240 (dual) boxes running
Solaris 9 with 1 NIS master and two slaves.  The only slowdown I noticed
was due to network, not graphics rendering.  I integrated the browser
into CDE to replace Netscape as the default browser launcher - thus I
know the GNOME integration is MUCH easier.

What is the CPU/Memory config of your 280Rs?  20 SunRays isn't that much
of a load on the servers for SunRays.  What is the nature of
applications that will be running on them?  Are you providing a
locked-down desktop environment or allowing full open GNOME on Solaris
for the clients?  Also, are these running automount maps with NIS/NFS? 
If you provide more info on the configuration, it would b easier to
estimate if you should have a problem with speed.

Hope this helps.


Tige Chastain

On Mon, 2005-01-17 at 20:35, bigblock judge wrote:
> What is the "best" way to go about deploying Mozilla and/or Firefox on a 
> SunFire 280R running Solaris 9 that will be serving about 20 SunRay 
> terminals via SRSS 3.0?
> We currently are using the horrible Netscape 4.78 that ships with Solaris. 
> Also being tested on the same machine is the Sun-contributed, Forte-compiled 
> Mozilla 1.7.5 from mozilla.org. It is apparently using the GTK1 libraries 
> that were installed along with Solaris and GNOME when we installed Solaris 
> 9. It works OK, but it could be a little faster. I have not yet been able to 
> locate a Forte-compiled Firefox for Solaris that uses GTK1. I have tried to 
> compile it myself, but there are so many dependencies and I don't have that 
> much time to spare. Also, I am not certain if the builds on sunfreeware.com 
> were generated with Forte. Something compiled with Forte and optimized for 
> Solaris 9 and UltraSPARC 3 would be awesome if I could find such a binary.
> What do you suggest for Mozilla and/or Firefox on our system? I would like 
> to stick with something that uses GTK1 as it has been my experience that 
> GTK2/Pango applications comsume more RAM and CPU than those that use GTK1.
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