[SunHELP] booting a Enterprise 3500

Edward Chase echase at postoffice.providence.edu
Wed Feb 27 08:47:34 CST 2002

I'm thinking it's dead, sort of...

I've gotten a video card for it and rebooted the machine.  It's been 
sitting there for well over an hour.  Still no signs of life on the monitor.

The middle LED is blinking at a faster rate than yesterday.  This would 
indicate a POST error versus an OBP error, if I remember correctly...

At 01:38 PM 2/26/2002 -0500, Edward Chase wrote:
>I just got a new/used Enterprise 3500.  This would be the first Sun box 
>that I've played with that did not have a video card in it.  I've hooked a 
>laptop to serial port A on the box and have HyperTerminal running.  I have 
>HyperTermainal set to auto detect the terminal type and have it at 
>9600-8-N-1 for communications settings.
>I've fired up the machine but do not see anything on the laptop.
>On the front, there are 3 LEDs.  The left is green, the middle is slowly 
>blinking yellow, the right is off.
>Would this indicate that I've got some sort of hardware failure?

  Edward F. Chase III     |   echase at providence.edu
  Providence College      |   http://www.providence.edu
  Computer Services       |   http://studentweb.providence.edu
  Providence, RI  02918   |

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