[SunHELP] Solaris crash dump

DAUBIGNE Sebastien - BOR ( SDaubigne@bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com ) SDaubigne at bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com
Mon Feb 11 13:12:48 CST 2002

Which parts of memory are dumped when the kernel crash dumps ?
Is it the entire RAM (user+kernel space)  or just the kernel part ?

What happens if the number of memory pages to dump exceeds the 2 Gb limit
for the primary swap ?

I just want to understand the kernel crash dump basics in order to compute
the right size for the dump file and /var/crash for a server with more than
4 Gb of RAM.

Thanks for any useful links and / or help. 

Sebastien DAUBIGNE 
sebastien.daubigne at sema.fr <mailto:sebastien.daubigne at sema.fr>  - (+33)
Sema Global Services - AFM/DW/Pessac

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