[SunHELP] Guys, this is not good...for Sun

Paul Mitcheson pmitcheson at iee.org
Mon Feb 4 07:51:24 CST 2002


I think the main reason I like Sun is the hardware is excellent quality,
and running Solaris on a SPARC machine is easy.

Put in the CD, boot cdrom and there you are.

I have just had so many problems with Linux in the past with setting up
hardware on Intel boxes.  Also, the pkg format seems pretty good,
especially compared with rpms (dependency hell)

     /     \     
     \. at -@./     Paul Mitcheson
     /`\_/`\     Control and Power Research Group
    //  _  \\    Imperial College London
   | \     )|_   mailto:pmitcheson at iee.org
  /`\_`>  <_/ \  http://www.mitcheson.demon.co.uk/paul

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