[SunHELP] Disk Layout Issues...

David Goldsobel sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 15 20:51:01 CDT 2001

Is it possible to put in a drive bigger than 20GB? According to the
folks at Sun my ultra 10 can only handle drives up to 20 GB? I would
love to know because I wanted to put up an FTP server and need more
Sorry to answer your question with a question

-----Original Message-----
From: sunhelp-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:sunhelp-admin at sunhelp.org] On
Behalf Of Michael Vang
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 10:46 PM
To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Subject: [SunHELP] Disk Layout Issues...

I'm assuming that having 2 disks versus 1 is better for a server

Would having / on disk 1 and /export/home on disk 2 be best?

Or is there another layout, possibly with SDS, that is better...

I figure using 2 swap slices is a good idea, too...

I have the opportunity to purchase either 1 80GB disk or 2 40GB disks
for my U5...

I've already purchased the bracket for the 2nd disk, so I am leaning
towards the 2 disk approach...

I looked into mirroring, but it looks like a hack on the U5...

When using Solstice DiskSuite 4.1 software, it is recommended that you
have a minimum of three metadevice databases to maintain a "quorum." It
is further recommended that the databases be maintained on different
disks, which would require three IDE hard drives in the system. Because
the Ultra 5 system can support only two hard drives, only two metadevice
databases are possible. This limitation has a known impact.

Solstice DiskSuite software will function with only two disks and two
database replicas. However, if one disk fails, there is not a quorum. No
problem with the system will be seen until after the system is powered
down. After the system is powered down, it will not power on and boot in
multiuser mode without system administration intervention.

For example, if the quorum is not seen during boot due to a hard drive
failure, the system boots in single-user mode. The problem is reported
by the system when the machine is rebooted. The output is similar to the
following example:

I'm worried too about the CMD PCIO646 IDE chip on the U5...


Apparently there are issues with DMA operation when both channels are

Any thoughts?

Anyone have a U5 with 2 disks? How does it perform?

This is for my new project: http://www.teamprimerib.com/freeshell.html

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