[SunHELP] Re:command for finding user information

Xiaomei Zhou sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Fri May 11 10:22:09 CDT 2001

Thanks for all the suggestions. I have figured out that since I'm running nis+, the 
best way for me to find user name using user id is to use the command 

 niscat passwd.org_dir | grep <uid>


>----Original Message Follows----
>From: Xiaomei Zhou <mei at prc.utexas.edu>
>Reply-To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
>To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
>Subject: [SunHELP] command for finding user information
>Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 09:51:11 -0500 (CDT)
>Does anyone know a command I can use to find user name using the user id?
>The command
>"id -a" only works if I know the user login name. Is there a command that
>can use
>user id to find user login name?

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