[SunHELP] Solaris2-like automounter for SunOS4 ?

Steffen Grunewald sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 28 07:43:55 CDT 2001

Is there an automounter available for SunOS4.1.4 which is compatible
to the autofs maps of Solaris 2.7 ? I have to maintain some boxes
which are *not* to be upgraded to Sol2 for various reasons and would
like to share automounter maps with them...

 Steffen Grunewald | GFZ | PB 2.2 | Telegrafenberg E3 | D-14473 Potsdam
 =BB email: steffen(at)gfz-potsdam.de | fax/fon: +49-331-288-1266/-1245 =AB
    It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.

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