[SunHELP] Shell script

Heshmati, Sardar sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Thu Jan 25 13:10:06 CST 2001

Here is a simple little perl script that does the job.

#!/bin/perl -w
# check_fs.pl 
$admin = "9255555555\@messaging.nextel.com" ;                 # Admin's
Nextel phone number or email
chomp($hostname = `/bin/hostname`) ;    # Hostname
chomp($date = `/bin/date`) ;            # Date
@df = `/bin/df -kl` ;                   # Partition info
$th="85";                               # Disk usage threshold

foreach $line (@df) {
        next if $line =~ /Filesystem/;  # Skip the header line
        $line =~ s/\%//;                # Yank the % sign so we can compare
it to threshold
        ($partition, undef, undef, undef, $capacity, $mount) = split ('\s+',
        next if $mount =~ /cdrom/ ;     # Skip CD-ROM drive
                if ($capacity >= $th) {
                        @part = split ("\/", $partition) ;
                        `echo "$hostname: $part[$#part] is at $capacity\%
capatity\n$date\n" | /bin/mailx $admin` ;

-----Original Message-----
From: walubank at hotmail.com [mailto:walubank at hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:08 PM
To: sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Subject: [SunHELP] Shell script

Does anybody have a shell script that will monitor the file system and send 
a mail to root when they get to 80%
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