[SunHELP] SCSI Disk Failure

Mike Gracy (Ghost Rider) sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 27 13:07:59 CST 2000

Depends on which IBMs you get.  Some of the older ones get quite hot.  I
actually had one weld it's heads to the platters and they were ripped of the
actuator arm when the drive spun up again.  That made a hell of a racket!

-----Original Message-----
From: The XUMA Ghostrider mailing list
[mailto:GHOSTRIDER at LISTSERV.XUMA.COM]On Behalf Of Ravi Katti
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [SunHELP] SCSI Disk Failure

In my opinion IBM hard drives are the best as far as performance/heat factor
is conerned.


----Original Message Follows----
On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Doug McLaren wrote:

| There's no reason it has to be 7200rpm.  I wonder what speed that
| `Quantum ProDrive 105S' rotated at - 3600rpm?  slower?

I know that, and a slower drive would indeed be fine. But try to find a
new, unused SCSI drive < 7200 RPM on the market today. I specifically said
7200rpm to avoid 10k rpm drives and their heat factor, as you pointed
out. Personally, I've used Barracudas in SS2s before at room temp with no
problems. YMMV.

| Not nessesarily.  Narrow scsi drives are getting harder and harder to
| find, and there may not be enough room in there for a wide<->narrow
| adapter.

I'm still seeing them listed on large distributors' sites in capacities of
9GB and up. Also, several sun parts resellers still sell new or
refurbs. I've seen 5400rpm drives for sale, but never new. They've
probably been pulled from systems that have been up for years, and thus
future reliability of a already heavily used drive would be questionable.


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