[Sunhelp] Network install from Linux server to SS4

Robert Gash gashalot at gashalot.com
Mon Mar 6 14:52:00 CST 2000

OK guys, I know this might sound like childs play to some, but I need some
assistance installing Solaris on my SS4 across the network.

After reading the Advanced Installation Guide as well as the Installation
guide I really didn't gain much from the entire experience except from
determining that it was probably fairly simple to get a Sun ready for the
netboot procedure when you have another Sun on the network with a CD

My problem resides in the fact that I've got 1 Linux machine on the
network and 2 windows machines.  The Linux machine has no CD (but enough
space to copy the CD if necessary), but is capable of doing a double
export of a Samba-mounted CD-ROM to the Sun for network
installation.  I've done several network installs of other Operating
systems on this machine (NetBSD and OpenBSD), but this Sun install will be
the first one with a CD of any sort involved.  Is there some FAQ or other
Doc somewhere that details exactly what steps must be taken to complete
this procedure, and how to export the filesystems?  I'd probably need to
do an Interactive installation so I can pick all of the stuff I don't

-Robert Gash

PS- For those of you who are wondering, the network is switched 10/100
throughout, and I've got a hme ethernet card in the Sparc that I should be
able to use as the primary installation interface so all machines can talk
at 100mbit full-duplex.

.----------------- PGP Key: `finger gashalot at gashalot.com` -----------------.
| Robert Gash                        |          Work - gashalot at fasturl.net |
| Senior Systems Administrator       |     Personal - gashalot at gashalot.com |
| VenerNet Inc -- www.fasturl.net    |              http://www.gashalot.com |
`---- PGP Key Fprint:  78 5D 64 D2 99 F3 D8 A0  B2 56 DF EF F2 C6 D3 DF ----'

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