[Sunhelp] Problem with sparc 10 video

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Jun 7 19:06:46 CDT 2000

On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 07:09:22PM -0400, David Beaudoin wrote:
> I have a sparc 10 running 2.5.1 which has stopped sending output to the monitor.
> The power to the monitor is on (green LED), but the screen remains blank (even
> after a reboot). I have verified the monitor is good and I have also tried using
> a different slot for the video card (SunGX), as well as a different known good
> video card (TurboxGX). Same result. The machine boots fine (I can telnet in from
> the network) and there are no errors in /var/adm/messages or syslog. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Dave

Make sure the keyboard is plugged in snugly when you boot.  You should
get some screen display REGARDLESS ("Sending output to ttya" or similar),
but check that anyway.


|   Bill Bradford    |   Austin, Texas   |
| mrbill at sunhelp.org | mrbill at mrbill.net |

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